Natasha Lee-Maxwell

Mar 16, 2018

Partnered with The Female CEO

What's going on with That Girl? Well we're happy to announce that we're partnered with The Female CEO. Why? They have everything That Girl needs to evolve, create and collaborate with other amazing women. This platform is everything short of extraordinary. Finally there's a platform were women can be truly evolve in a creative and confident space.

Our goal is to inspire women through fashion, education, business, social awareness, girl talk, and sisterhood. We decided to team up with The Female CEO because they offer everything That Girl needs to evolve into her best her! That Girl & The Female CEO is prepared to help you evolve. The Female CEO mantra is that you're never alone! We totally agree. We believe in true sisterhood. We intend to offer everything you need to become your best you!!!!

We're covering every girl and woman concern including financial, health, fitness, wellness, business, motherhood, relationships and so much more. We even have something for our grade school and teen girls to indulge in. I think we have everything covered!!!

Head over to to learn more about resources, tools, and possibilities.
