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Barbra Gentry-Pugh is That Girl!


Barbra heart’s desire is to know Christ intimately and to be an instrument used by God and stirring the same desire in others, with every beat of her heart. Her greatest aspiration and fulfillment is sharing the uncompromising truths of Scripture, to women of all ages, to not only know the Word of God intellectually but experience it practically by the power of the Holy Spirit. Her calling is to encourage women to hunger for a closer walk with Jesus Christ. She wants women to know their needs and desires can only be gratified by a life totally abandoned to self and devoted to Him. Her life’s verse is Acts 20:24: “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus had given me, the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.” Barbra is the founder and CEO of Heart Expressions Ministries International, a faith-based ministry, devoted to reaching the heart of women one-beat at a time, to live lives expressing the heartbeat of God.

She has a BS in Human Services from the University of Detroit, and Master of Arts in Christian Education from Michigan Theological Seminary, now (Moody Theological Seminary-Michigan.) Barbra is the former host of the Barbra Gentry Pugh Show, now known as Heart Expressions with Barbra.

Barbra is an International Published and Award Winning Author for her book “Every Beat of My Heart.” Barbra is a board member of The Professional Woman Network and Women Who Inspire. She is a member of National Biblical Counseling Association (NBCA), the Lydia Circle of Business and Professional Women, and Your Own Uniqueness. She is a Certified Biblical Counselor and Adjunct Instructor for Christian Research and Development, where she teaches classes that prepare students to confront themselves, resolve their problems and counsel others using the Bible as their textbook to change lives for God’s glory.

She has over 30 years of experience working in women ministries and over 35 years of working in various areas nursing. These experiences have assisted her in a greater understating of human behavior and the interrelatedness of mind, body, and spirit. Barbra has received certifications from The Professional Woman Network that has further grounded her for the work of ministry.

Barbra is a Speaker, Certified International Holistic Life Coach, Certified Biblical Counselor, Small Group Facilitator, Curriculum & Workshop Developer, Presenter, and Trainer. Her presentations are delivered with grace, inspiration, relevancy and transparency. She has an exceptional slant on the conditions of physical life, which correlates spiritual truth and the relevance of God in life situations embracing the mystery of truth and life in every beat of her heart.

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