Hello gorgeous you, It's OK to be human. Today I wanted to talk to you about authenticity. I messed up last week.

I scheduled my campaign all wrong and you didn't get an email from me. I'm sorry. I did the work. I prepared a blog and I went through the set up but I didn't finish it up properly (clearly) and you didn't receive anything from me. I am more than happy to admit that I am not superwoman. I run three businesses and sometimes my head is s full of other things. I forget details and occasionally it all goes, well, arse up quite frankly. I remember the day when I would never admit to that sort of error. I believed wholeheartedly that in order for me to be taken seriously as the businesswoman I am I had to be utterly perfect. It all had to be shiny and fabulous and then people would trust my work. Cue social media posts of everyones perfect lives, shiny houses that don't look lived in, Christmas shopping finished in May and perfectly wrapped presents, you know the ones! This is total BS. What I now know is that I am human and so are you. I show up as my authentic self in my businesses and I feel better for it. The pressure is off and the cat is out of the bag. I am not perfect and I'm totallyok with that. I will always do my best work and sometimes it's A-M-A-Z-I-N-G and others not so much. I can always put my hand over my heart and say I tried. Never underestimate the power of authenticity. People buy from people, in a world where you can be anything, be you. Have a great week CEO's I believe in you,
Trish x